Ghost Casters
CG and Adam discuss not only all sorts of spooks, spectres and ghosts--but they also talk about the history that may shed light on why a ghost is even still hanging around. After discussing the history and the haunting, they both try to determine if each case is a legitimate paranormal occurrence based on their own unique rating scale of 1-5. Email us at TheGhostCasters@gmail.com Follow us on Instagram @theghostcasters
Ghost Casters
Empire State Building
During a three week period in 1947, five people tragically leapt from the top of the Empire State Building to their deaths. One of the most famous was Evelyn McHale. People claim to see her jumping from the observation deck over and over again. C.G. and Adam discuss.
Plus, in Ghost News, C.G. has a story from People about a man that became so freaked out by readings on his EMF meter, that it led him to commit a heinous act. Adam has some spooky stuff regarding the sight of this years Super Bowl for his Terrifying Tidbit. All this and much more on this episode of GhostCasters!!!
Thoughts of suicide? There IS hope! Dial 988 for a path to recovery!!!
- C.G. has a new book out! Get Mossback '83 by clicking here!
Email us at theghostcasters@gmail.com
Follow us on Instagram @theghostcasters
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