Ghost Casters
CG and Adam discuss not only all sorts of spooks, spectres and ghosts--but they also talk about the history that may shed light on why a ghost is even still hanging around. After discussing the history and the haunting, they both try to determine if each case is a legitimate paranormal occurrence based on their own unique rating scale of 1-5. Email us at TheGhostCasters@gmail.com Follow us on Instagram @theghostcasters
Ghost Casters
Fire Patrol House No. 2
This week we're talking about New York and a pretty famous firehouse. No...we're not talking about GhostBusters! We're talking about the very haunted Fire Patrol House No. 2, the current home of news media personality Anderson Cooper--who is also apparently related to Adam??? Listen NOW to find out more!
Plus, in ghost news we talk about a story involving a haunted house owned by both SNL alum Chris Kattan as well as film actor Danny DeVito. Adam has a Terrifying Tidbit this week from Cracked magazine concerning ghosts deemed to be the dumbest in all of cinema history. All this and much more!
Are you dealing with a haunting in your personal life? We WANT to hear from you!
Email us at theghostcasters@gmail.com
Follow us on Instagram @theghostcasters
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