Ghost Casters
CG and Adam discuss not only all sorts of spooks, spectres and ghosts--but they also talk about the history that may shed light on why a ghost is even still hanging around. After discussing the history and the haunting, they both try to determine if each case is a legitimate paranormal occurrence based on their own unique rating scale of 1-5. Email us at TheGhostCasters@gmail.com Follow us on Instagram @theghostcasters
Ghost Casters
The historic town of Tombstone, Arizona certainly has a storied history full of death. Most people know of the town due to the Earp family and the shootout at the O.K. Corral. Are the Earp's, Doc Holliday, and the notorious members of the Cowboy gang still lingering in the shadows of the historic buildings that line the main street of town? Listen right now to find out!
Plus, in ghost news, the LaLaurie Mansion is back in the news. We've covered it before...listen here if you need to get caught up!
Are you dealing with a haunting? We WANT to hear from YOU!
Email us at theghostcasters@gmail.com
Follow us on Instagram @theghostcasters
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