Ghost Casters
CG and Adam discuss not only all sorts of spooks, spectres and ghosts--but they also talk about the history that may shed light on why a ghost is even still hanging around. After discussing the history and the haunting, they both try to determine if each case is a legitimate paranormal occurrence based on their own unique rating scale of 1-5. Email us at TheGhostCasters@gmail.com Follow us on Instagram @theghostcasters
Ghost Casters
Molly Brown House (site visit)
Cue Celine Dion...we're talking about the Titanic this week--er, well, not really. The "Unsinkable" Molly Brown was indeed on the Titanic though so it does at least warrant a mention. Molly Brown was an interesting person...get to know who she was before and after the disaster that made her famous. It seems even in death, Molly Brown will not be held back. Her ghost still haunts the mansion where she once lived! Listen now to find out more!
Plus, in ghost news we've got a story on an entity that is seemingly "mimicking" a woman.
UPDATE: C.G. visited the Molly Brown House! Find out what he discovered at the tail end of the episode!!!
Are you dealing with a haunting? We WANT to hear from you!
Email us at theghostcasters@gmail.com
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